Hyde Park's investment philosophy is predicated on substantial up-front due diligence, fundamental research and downside protection analysis.
Hyde Park is focused on investing in assets with the following characteristics:
Experienced and motivated management
High barriers to entry
Predictable and sustainable free cash flows
Bankable assets such as accounts receivable, inventory, PP&E and real estate
We are long-term investors and seek to create value through investing in attractive businesses with capable management teams, defensible market positions and strong customer relationships. We develop comprehensive strategic plans, make growth capital investments, implement operational improvements to enhance profitability and fund accretive add-on acquisitions. We focus on the long-term success of our businesses and we are not focused on quick turnarounds or positioning a business for a near-term sale like many other investment firms.
The goal for each of our businesses is growth, enhanced market share and a significant increase in the strategic and economic value of the enterprise.
HPH’s investment strategy often overlaps with the goals of family-business owners seeking an exit.